Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Game of Foods at Midwest Food Bank

Yesterday !Vandos! went to Midwest Food bank. While we were there, half of us repackaged rolls and the other half was kept on their toes while picking food to go back to local food pantriesand other organizations. Near the end of the day we were all packaging up all the goods and putting them into the cars. Katie C and Bekah R were having fun while placing all of the food into the cars and making a game out of i,t "tetris", to make all of it fit perfectly. All together we worked really hard and got to see how we could over come difficulties. Together we made it through the storms and didn't have problems with the tornadoes.  We got to play games while waiting for the storms to pass before we got back to work.  By the end of the day, we saw how well off we are and that we should be thankful for it. (hi mom!-Bekah and Katie)

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